
Phoenician, Punic and Roman city

Nora is an ancient city, built near pre-existing Nuragic settlements, founded by the Phoenicians and later by the Punic and Romans, the capital of the Noritani people. It is located on the promontory of Capo Pula, on the southern coast of Sardinia west of Cagliari, currently in the municipality of Pula.
Pausanias attributes its foundation to the eponymous hero Norace, leader of the Iberians. The later Solino attributes Norace to have origins in the mythical city of Tartessos.

The name derives from Norace, as also confirmed by Solino himself: “a Norace Norae oppido nomen datum” (from Norace the city was given the name of Nora). Traces of the Nuragic-Phoenician repopulation date back to the 8th century BC. (stele of Nora, with an inscription in an alphabet similar to the Phoenician, with the oldest attestation of the name of Sardinia), while the oldest remains discovered refer to a necropolis with tombs dating between the end of the 7th and the beginning of the 6th century BC. Few remains of the original city remain (tophet, foundations of a sacred structure dedicated to the goddess Tanit, remains of fortifications, artisanal installations in the area closest to the sea). The materials found in the tombs, however, attest to the flourishing of the city in the 5th and especially in the 4th century BC and the early contacts with ancient Rome.


€ 90.00 per person | exclusive 2 pax € 270.00

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A few tens of kilometers south-west of Cagliari stands one of the most important archaeological sites in Sardinia, a prosperous city, first Phoenician, then Carthaginian, and finally a very important Roman center, a jewel handed down to us through three millennia. Source Wikipedia